

常州 - 上海 - 上海市浦东新区国耀路209号鲁能国际 | 公司编号:27056135


  • 所属行业:加工/制造(工业自动化)
  • 所在地区:上海
  • 公司性质:独资企业
  • 注册资金:1000-5000万¥
  • 员工人数:1000人以上
  • 成立日期:2010/1/25
  • 营业执照:已上传至本网站证实


safran has a global presence‚ with more than 58‚ 000 employees worldwide‚ and logged sales of 16.5 billion euros in 2017. *****prising a number of *****panies‚ safran holds‚ alone or in partnership‚ world or european leadership positions in its markets. safran undertakes extensive research & development programs to keep pace with its fast-evolving markets‚ including expenditures of 1.4 billion euros in 2017.

building on more than a century of relations with china‚ safran is now a major player in the chinese civil aviation markets. since the opening of a representative office in beijing at the end of the 1980s‚ safran has formed strong ties with the major players in the chinese industry and this mutual trust is reflected by long-term collaboration with both partners and customers. over the last 40 years‚ safran has built up a strong presence in china‚ spanning production‚ training‚ maintenance‚ sales and marketing. today with 20 entities and more than 1‚ 800 people operating in china‚ safran is a major player in all segments‚ from airplane and helicopter engines to aircraft landing and braking systems.


  • 公司地址:上海市浦东新区国耀路20******
  • 邮政编码:*********
  • 联系电话:*********
  • 联系人:*********
  • 传  真:*********
  • E-mail:*********
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